How Can You Help?
- Sponsor a weekend, summer or whole school delivery.
- Assemble a group of employees to pack food sacks and assist in their delivery.
- Donate food, use of delivery vans, technical web assistance, promotional partnerships.
- Sponsor funding and awareness raising events.
- Promote student community service activities (i.e. packing and delivering food sacks).
- Assemble food drives or partner with us to design new ways to provide food for non-school days.
- Collect mission budget donations.
- Initiate a mission project on a one-off or regular basis.
- Assemble food drives, provide food storage space or delivery vehicle loans.
- Donate online. Donate Now »
- Help with food pick-up and packing, van driving and delivery of food.
- Invite friends and neighbors to a “sack packing’ party.
Student Community Service
Help With Food Packing